I have spent the last 10 years working in arts marketing and until 2012 I hadn’t done any exercise. I can’t even say I hadn’t done any exercise since school because even then I would make excuses not to got to PE. I would eternally engineer ways of being at the back of the queue in gym class (as a result I can still not do a forward or backward roll!) and I would smirk if I saw people running.
Then one day a friend of mine posted a picture of herself on Facebook having spent 18 months getting fitter and healthier. I had known in my heart of hearts that I needed to stop being so sedentary but this was the spur I needed. I signed up there and then for an outdoor bootcamp., training in a local park three times a week. At 7pm. In February.
Quite understandably my friends and family gave this new project a matter of weeks before I crumbled and returned to my non-active aways but this was the beginning of a real love for health and fitness. Six years later whilst on maternity leave with my second child I retrained as a Personal Trainer and put plans in motion to open a women only gym space on our farm in Somerset.
The rest is an evolving history that has taken me from fitness enthusiast to fitness professional, changing the lives of my clients and helping them to achieve their health and fitness goals.